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Development of the standard guidelines for the management of national research facilities and equipment(F&E)

To develop an inter-ministerial standard classification system for research F&E in order to provide a guideline for their management in a consistent and systematic manner through the establishment of standard guidelines for the life-cycle management of research F&E and manage national research F&E information and trends efficiently and systematically.
  • Establishment of the standard guidelines that should be complied with by each entity throughout the life cycle of research F&E (planning, acquisition, registration, utilization, operation, management and disposal)
  • Standardization of the definition and scope of research F&E to clarify target national research F&E
Promotion system
Promotion system
Grounds for promotion
  • Article 42 of the Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Science and Technology
  • Article 25 of the Regulations on the Management of the National R&D Program
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