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[M4] Recommendation of ‘Standard Guidelines for Management of National Research Facilities and Equipment’ (For Research Institute)

[M4] Recommendation of ‘Standard Guidelines for Management of National Research Facilities and Equipment’ (For Research Institute) [이미지]
  • Overview
    This report is a research equipment and facility standard guideline issued by the NFEC. It briefly explains the background, objectives, legal grounds, and recommendation targets of the ‘National Research Equipment and Facility Management Standard Guidelines.’ It primarily consists of the issues (ex: Review on the introduction, registration management, management and supervision, etc.) that must be handled by the R&D bureaus and research management agencies for the efficient operation and management of research facilities and equipment. This report is published in the hope that the recommendations will be implemented by the related bureaus and research management agencies.
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ. Overview of the recommendation of ‘Standard Guidelines for Management of National Research Facilities and Equipment’

    Ⅱ. Recommendations of ‘Standard Guidelines for Management of National Research Facilities and Equipment’
    1. Implementation of the review of the introduction of the research facilities and equipment
    2. Implementation of registration and management
    3. Implementation of management and supervision
    4. Implementation of promotion of the usage


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