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[R21] Research on Science & Technology Equipment Community Development Strategy

[R21] Research on Science & Technology Equipment Community Development Strategy [이미지]
  • Overview
    Most of the subsidies for R&D are government orientated due to specific features of research facility·equipment that has closed environment for sharing research information and its nature as public property even though diverse subsidiary activities are required in order to efficiently operate such high-cost research facility·equipment.

    Government-led projects are inefficient in terms of time and finance making it difficult to maximize the efficiency of research subsidies. However, we would like to resolve this issue through developing a community for specialists and researchers using the research facility·equipment.

    Therefore, establishing a strategy to develop a community between specialists and researchers using the research facility·equipment, a platform for every scientific and technological R&D activity, is essential. Moreover, government-led online/offline communication platform for professionals in science and technology are in demand.

    This report suggests solutions to develop a community in the field of science and technology equipment by analyzing international and domestic practices for operating a community and by investigating the customer need and demand through a survey conducted on users of domestic equipment community.
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ. Research Background

    Ⅱ. Analysis of Current Status
    1. Equipment Community Case Analysis
    2. Survey Result of Users of Equipment Community

    Ⅲ. Equipment Community Development Strategy
    1. 4-Step Community Growth Theory
    2. Equipment Community Development Strategy for Each Step

    Ⅳ. Closing


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