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[I7] Issues and Alternative for the Construction of Large International Research Facilities (OECD)

[I7] Issues and Alternative for the Construction of Large International Research Facilities (OECD) [이미지]
  • Overview
    This report summarizes the issues and alternatives concerning the construction of large international research facilities discussed at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) event and Global Science Forum (GSF). It also covers experts’ opinions on diverse issues that can occur during collaboration among countries or groups participating in a large international research facility construction project. This report is published to support the maximization of national interests through the completion of the project after predicting problems arising from the construction of large international research facilities with advanced countries and promptly responding to them.
  • Table of Contents
    1. Introduction and rationale
    2. Methodology
    3. Legal and administrative issues
    4. Funding and contributions
    5. Project management
    6. Equipment
    7. Personnel

    Appendix # A List of International Expert Groups
    Appendix # B A List of Interviewees
    Appendix # C A List of Workshop Participants


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