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[I2] Accelerators in the World’s Top 3 Research Institutes

[I2] Accelerators in the World’s Top 3 Research Institutes [이미지]
  • Overview
    This report briefly introduces Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)’s Advanced Light Source Accelerator (ALS) in the U.S., the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)’s Super Photon RING?8 GeV (Spring-8) and Radioactive-Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) in Japan, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. It also explains the current status, structure, and principle of the accelerator using visual materials. This report is published to support the establishment of a development plan for large accelerator-related research facilities and equipment that strengthen the research grounds for domestic basic science and secure future original technology by introducing these accelerators in the world’s top three research institutes and reviewing their current status.
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (the U.S.)

    Ⅱ. RIKEN (Japan)

    Ⅲ. European Organization for Nuclear Research (Switzerland)


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