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[R14] A Prospect of Employee Demand and Rightsizing on Domestic Research Equipment Engineers

[R14] A Prospect of Employee Demand and Rightsizing on Domestic Research Equipment Engineers [이미지]
  • Overview
    Due to the environmental changes on science and technology, technical manpower on research equipment has become really important and this occupation has got strengthen in social recognition and the image of technical manpower. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prepare a prospect of employee demand and rightsizing on domestic rightsizing on domestic research equipment engineers from a point of view on both policy and system. This report mainly focuses on analyzing the use of research equipment engineers in order to offer an accurate and useful information, and finally NFEC look forward to use this report as a reference on policy making
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ. An outline of technical manpower
    1. The definition and scope of technical manpower
    2. The necessity of technical manpower

    Ⅱ. The emplacement participation of technical manpower
    1. The present condition of technical manpower
    2. The analysis of technical manpower

    Ⅲ. The employee demand on technical manpower
    1. The demand of technical manpower
    2. The supply of employment

    Ⅳ. A prospect of rightsizing on technical manpower


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