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[S15] 2012 Survey on National Research Equipment and Facility Activities

[S15] 2012 Survey on National Research Equipment and Facility Activities [이미지]
  • Overview
    This report shows current research facilities and equipment in enterprises, colleges, and public research institutes, and their capital expenditures and ordinary expenditures with visual materials after collecting statistical data from 2004 to 2011. It also explains that it is necessary to develop an educational program for the efficient management of large research facilities and prepare a joint roadmap by investigating and analyzing the large research facility construction roadmap in major advanced countries periodically. As it becomes more urgent for the government to manage and operate research facilities and equipment in an efficient manner from the introduction to disposal, this paper is published to support the establishment of a plan targeted to strategically expand the government’s research facilities and equipment, strengthen information registration, promote their sharing, and facilitate the relocation of idle and low-utilization equipment.
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ. Current investments and utilization of research facilities and equipment
    1. Total research facilities and equipment
    2. Current research facilities and equipment in enterprises
    3. Current research facilities and equipment in colleges
    4. Current research facilities and equipment in public research institutes
    5. Construction and public utilization of research facilities and equipment

    Ⅱ. Efficient research equipment and facility management plan
    1. Strengthening of the review process for introduction of research equipment
    2. Strengthening of the registration of research equipment information
    3. Strengthening of the common utilization of research equipment
    4. Relocation and facilitation of the utilization of idle or low-utilization equipment

    Ⅲ. Management efficiency improvement plan for large research facilities


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