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[S13] 2010 Survey on National Research Equipment and Facility Activities

[S13] 2010 Survey on National Research Equipment and Facility Activities [이미지]
  • Overview
    This report explains that even though a research entity expands facilities needed to carry out an individual study, they are still not enough considering investment efficiency. This paper is published to review the initiative aimed to strategically expand research equipment, promote the sharing thereof, and prevent redundancy in investments. In addition, it highlights current research facilities and equipment in enterprises, colleges, and public research institutes and their capital expenditures, ordinary expenditures, and total R&D costs with visual materials after collecting statistical data from 2002 to 2019. To build substructure for world-class science and technology, moreover, it introduces the six duties of the NFEC, which was launched as a pan-bureau research equipment management organization in August 2009.
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ. Current investments and utilization of research facilities and equipment
    1. Total research facilities and equipment
    2. Current research facilities and equipment in enterprises
    3. Current research facilities and equipment in colleges
    4. Current research facilities and equipment in public research institutes
    5. Construction and public utilization of research facilities and equipment

    Ⅱ. Efficient research equipment and facility management plan


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