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National Research Equipment and Facility Management Standard Guidelines

National Research Equipment and Facility Management Standard Guidelines [이미지]
  • Overview
    This guideline, among national R&D budget, was created for the efficient management of national research facilities and equipment which are developed under research development projects in the field of science and technology in accordance with OECD standards. It also aims to stably settle research facilities and equipment classification system to promote systematic development and use of research facilities & equipment.

    Standard guideline for research facilities and equipment management was made in accordance with Article 25, section 9 of 「regulation on management of national research development project」. The principals required to follow this guideline are: ministries carrying out science and technology related national R&D projects, managing institutions (research management specialized institution etc) and institutions who have research facilities and equipment obtained with national R&D budget. The guideline consists of core contents relating to research facilities and equipment and standard guidelines for the management of entire cycle(plan→introduction→registration→operation→utilization→disposal) which each principals must abide by.

    - National Research Equipment and Facility Management Standard Guidelines (Mar. 2013)

    - Easy-to-understand National Research Equipment and Facility Management Standard Guidelines (Apr. 2012)

    - National Research Equipment and Facility Management Standard Guidelines (Dec. 2010)
  • Table of Contents
    Part I. General guidelines for construction of national research facilities and Equipment

    1. Overview
    1.1 Background and objectives
    1.2. Application scope and related grounds
    1.3 Construction of standard guidelines

    2. Definition and scope of research facilities and equipment
    2.1 Definition of research facilities and equipment
    2.2 Scope of research facilities and equipment
    2.3 Classification of research facilities and equipment
    2.4 Management scope of research facilities and equipment

    3. Management system of research facilities and equipment
    3.1 Principal management of national research facilities and equipment
    3.2 National research facilities and equipment deliberation
    3.3 Phased role and responsibility of the agent

    Chapter 2
    Standard guidelines for management of research facilities and equipment

    1. Plan for research facilities andequipment
    1.1 Midterm plan
    1.2 Plan review
    1.3 Introduction preparation
    1.4 Introduction deliberation(Before budget compilation)

    2. Introduction of research facilities and equipment
    2.1 Introduction deliberation(After budget compilation)
    2.2 Execute & introduction
    2.3 Purchase & Installation
    2.4 Examination

    3. Registration of research facilities and equipment
    3.1 Asset registration
    3.2 Information registration
    3.3 Information connection
    3.4 Information management

    4. Operation of research facilities and equipment
    4.1 Equipment operators
    4.2 Operation & Management
    4.3 Repair & Management
    4.4 Performance management
    4.5 Data management
    4.6 Supervision

    5. Usage of research facilities and equipment
    5.1 Private use
    5.2 Joint use
    5.3 Peformance management

    6. Disposal of research facilities and equipment
    6.1 Change of use
    6.2 Donation
    6.3 Disassemble & Sale & Disposal

    [Appendix] Research facilities and equipment related laws
    1. Current laws related to research facilities and equipment
    2. Content of laws related to research facilities and equipment



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