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National Large Research Facilities Roadmap_NFRM

National Large Research Facilities Roadmap_NFRM [이미지]
  • Overview
    This manual is published to be used as a national large research facility construction guideline for a mid-term construction plan for the government-led large research facilities. It is aimed to develop future science and technology and facilitate research activities by establishing the ground to achieve world-class research performance through the construction of national large research facilities in an efficient and systematic manner and establishment of a joint utilization system and planning the construction of key large research facilities.
  • Table of Contents
    Part 1. General guidelines for construction of national large research facilities
    - Overview of the establishment
    - Roadmap development direction II
    - Trend and analysis of major countries
    - Concept of large research facilities
    - Selection of main large research facilities
    - 13 main large research facilities
    - Vision, goal and development strategy

    Part 2. Main large research facilities
    - Analysis of main large research facilities
    - Near-term
    - Mid-term
    - Long-term



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