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Directory of National Large Research Facilities

Directory of National Large Research Facilities [이미지]
  • Overview
    This manual is developed to be used as a reference in the joint utilization of large research facilities after collecting data on large research facilities (KRW 5 billion or higher) constructed with government R&D budget. The information on large research facilities in this book contains statistical data current as of November 30, 2012. In terms of exceptions, the time of separate preparation is stated. It is published without consideration for the value and characteristics of individual large research facilities. In particular, it aims to include the basic information of large research facilities and their joint-utilization information.
  • Table of Contents
    Ⅰ General
    1. Overview of large research facilities
    2. Large research facilities by key investment sector
    3. Current investments in large research facilities

    Ⅱ Large research facilities by sector
    1. Advancement of key industry technology
    2. Strengthening of core technology development for creation of new industry
    3. Promotion of R&D for response to global issues
    4. Securing core competence in government-led technologies
    5. Promotion of R&D in basic science and convergence technology


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