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NFECtivity - Back to the Time When Sharing was Common! 글의 상세내용
Title NFECtivity - Back to the Time When Sharing was Common!
Date 2016-02-19 Hits 5055
att. png 파일명 : nfec_s_book_all_성과집.png nfec_s_book_all_성과집.png
pdf 파일명 : NFECtivity_eng_2015.pdf NFECtivity_eng_2015.pdf


(NFEC + Effectivity)

Back to the Time When Sharing was Common!

Remember when it was natural for friends and neighbors to share the small things and pleasures of life?
At the time, the entire Korean nation celebrated the historic Seoul Olympics.
The Berlin Wall collapsed, heralding a new age of peaceful coexistence.
We would borrow T-shirts or purses from our friends next door. We would eat dinner at our friends’ homes in the neighborhood.
Neighbors would gather every night after dinner over drinks and tea to talk about how their day had been.
Memories of the warmth we shared as friends and neighbors back then still sustain us today.

How about we bring back that warmth to the research community through the sharing of research facilities and equipment?
Why not relocate and transfer facilities and equipment we no longer need to other researchers, publicly share expensive ones we have with other researchers worldwide, and encourage researchers to engage in ever-increasing communication with one another?

Active sharing and communication will form the ground for the progress of research facilities and equipment.
The National Research Facilities and Equipment Center (NFEC) strives to usher in a more enriched environment for utilizing research facilities and equipment through organized sharing.


Download the PDF file and see the Kor/English-language version Brochure.





We will always be therefore researchers.


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